Monthly System Production

Below is a table and graph representing the monthly production in megawatt hours (MWH) for the system displayed for last year (LY) and this year (TY). The numbers represent the month of the year (i.e. 01 = Jan., 02 = Feb., and so on).

It is possible that a data value may not be accurate for a few reasons:

  • System was not online to get the production value when the data was gathered.
  • Issue with the hardware when data was collected.
  • Other unknown issue such as data collection error.

The data will be updated as soon as possible on a monthly basis. Please contact us with any questions on the data displayed.

Customer Key Month
wdt_ID wdt_created_by wdt_created_at wdt_last_edited_by wdt_last_edited_at Customer Key System Name System Type Month MWH
28825 35369 EKM LY 04 3.58
28826 35369 EKM LY 05 0.46
28827 36258 EKM LY 08 0.53
28828 36264 EKM TY 10
28829 300012057 EKM TY 10
28830 300012049 EKM TY 10
28831 35013 EKM TY 10
28832 300012042 EKM TY 10
28833 35152 EKM TY 10
28834 300012039 EKM TY 10
28835 35154 EKM TY 10
28836 300012034 EKM TY 10
28837 300012032 EKM TY 10
28838 300012026 EKM TY 10
28839 300012025 EKM TY 10
28840 300012022 EKM TY 10
28841 300011675 EKM TY 10
28842 41873 EKM TY 10
28843 41871 EKM TY 10
28844 41870 EKM TY 10
28845 41869 EKM TY 10
28846 41835 EKM TY 10
28847 41834 EKM TY 10
28848 41831 EKM TY 10
28849 34785 EKM TY 10
∑ = 4.58
Avg = 1.53